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Today, I went home by a cab. As I went out and walk towards the house, I looked above and saw the moon directly on top of me. It looked like a full moon because it was round in appearance, so as I entered the house, I immediately turned on the computer to search for the schedule of full moon. My research shows that it was actually a full moon.

Now let me just be clear that this blog has nothing to do about the twilight saga "new moon". Hahaha!

Instead, it reminded me of what our mentor has been teaching and telling me over and over again.

"Shoot for the moon and you might hit one of the stars. Most of us aim for the ceiling and wonder why we could not get pass our roofs."

Guess what? I decided to do something I've never done before... I compared what's the feeling of inside the house and looking up straight in the ceiling versus looking in the moon outside.

What do you think could be my realizations?

>Looking up in the ceiling was boring, I felt like there was no where else to go.

>Watching the moon was more exciting. When I stared to it, I felt freedom. And it was really beautiful.

>We create our limitations. The ceiling represents the things or reasons that hinders us to have freedom. And that's exactly what most people do.

>Most people settle for less, and these people usually live a boring life.

>The people who enjoy life the most are those who aim big. Most of the time, these people do what other people thought could not be done.

>Life is about creating your limits or breaking them.

Since joining the core team, I realized that I have broken the limits that I created before. I used to live my life based on those limitations. Now, I'm living a life with a great purpose. To live a life for others, to live a life doing God's work.

Are you aiming for the moon? or the ceiling in your house?

<i>This blog is an original composition, no one is allowed to repost this blog or any portion of it without permission from the author. - Rhyan Miraflores, 09159882364</i>

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