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Human Drama

Recently, I watched a movie that really struck me. It's a special documentation that tackles the science of quantum physics. While watching it, I felt like I was in the movie. It's like I was watching myself. One of the things that I would never forget is about how most men are easily attracted to seductive women. Well, especially those ladies who exposes more skin. =) If you're a member of the masculine homo sapiens family, then I think you're guilty on this.

Have you heard of the term...


To give you a simple definition, the hypothalamus is a portion of the brain that contains a number of small nuclei with a variety of functions. One of the most important functions of the hypothalamus is to link the nervous system to the endocrine system via the pituitary gland (hypophysis). Hey, I'm no human anatomist and I have no plans of discussing the technicalities of these terms. But the message was clear to me. This hypothalamus is the one thing that influence human feelings and emotions. It could be influenced by what we see, hear, touch and smell. Human senses in short. And then the brain gathers information from the past and sends it to mighty hypothalamus which in turn will create our feelings and expressions.

So what I'm trying to say here.. As I end that movie, I realized that I was being controlled by this hypothalamus that I have in my head. I came to understand why I had this sensual feeling everytime I see a sexy lady passing by. Of course it doesn't apply only to that category. I mean we all had our feelings of lust, sadness, hapiness, nervousness, etc.. These feelings are merely based on everyting we've seen, heard and experienced in the past. Thus creating the title of this post - Human Drama

The point is clear to me. If you don't take control of your mind, it will take control of you. And unless you learn how to take control of it, you'll never have freedom...

For your financial success and happiness,

Coach Rhyan

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