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This bothered my thoughts after reading the front page of PDI in a restaurant in GreenBelt 2. 800,000 is the number of employees that will lose their jobs in the Philippines within the year 2009.

Right now, you might be asking already, “Will I be part of this 800,000?” If you are employed, chances are you COULD be one of the 800,000. This is truly an era which only shows that job security is no longer in effect. In fact, unemployment increases every month, its not just happening in our country but also all over the world. Everyday we will hear from the news either companies downsizing or closing down here in Manila or in the province. Recently, our Social Security System already announced that it would no longer grant loans to those who lost their jobs.

Most of us would bet our fortune on finding a job abroad. We are willing to leave our family and loved ones. However, due to the global economic depression, jobs available abroad have become limited for the MILLIONS of Filipinos looking for jobs outside the country. To make things even worse, the only region right now that can accommodate...

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