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The Most Valuable Reason Why You Should Quit Your Job

Time Freedom.

As the saying goes, “Time is Gold”. T. Harv Eker, a self-made millionaire said, Time Freedom is the ability to do anything you want, anywhere you want and anytime you want without having to work.

Can we do anything we want, anywhere we want and anytime we want if:

>We need to report to the office 8-12 hours a day?
> We are tired, stressed and worn out from our work?
> We can’t afford to leave our office at least one week straight?
> Our boss is always demanding us to report when there’s an emergency work?
> Our family demands time from us after a long week work?

How about these:

1. Our boss dictates how many holidays we can only take in a year.
2. We can’t be late and must wake up early everyday for work.
3. If there’s a huge load, we can’t go home at 5 pm. Our boss dictates what time we will go home in fact, even including how many times a year we can only get sick.
4. Our boss determines how much will be our salary, bonus and promotion. This happens year in and year out. And we can’t violate the rules, otherwise it might cost us our salary increase or even worse our job.

Sounds familiar? There’s no time freedom with a JOB. That is why it’s called JOB, it stands for JOURNEY OF THE BROKE. The more we work, the more we realize that we are still with our boss, with a paycheck that is not enough, finding ourselves in debt even before we receive our paycheck. Then only to find out that no matter how hard we worked on our job, the company has a “ceiling” for us. Meaning, no matter how hard we perform, we will only get what is due to us based on the company’s standard salary.

So how can we achieve time freedom?

It starts with educating ourselves financially. Our school did not teach us about money, if it did majority of us Filipinos will be entrepreneurs not employees. Our school taught us skills usable for companies hiring us but it did not teach us anything about money and finances. We did not have a subject of Money 101 and worst the people teaching us about money and finances are teachers who most of the time never ever had hands-on experience when it comes to business. This is the reason why Robert Kiyosaki, in his best-selling book, “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”, chose to learn financially with the father of his best friend whom he considered as his Rich Dad than his biological father who is a school teacher. In fact, his biological father, his “Poor Dad”, encouraged him to learn about money and business from his best friend’s father, his “Rich Dad” because his biological father is intelligent enough to know that when it comes to business and finances he has nothing much to teach his own son about it.

Be with a team of like minded-people committed to achieving time and money freedom in their lives. It is important that we become part of a community that will commit to our success for a lifetime. Being successful is a continuous learning and growing. It is crucial that we surround ourselves with positive people who are committed to our financial success and to their own financial success as well. As asserted by self-made millionaire and financial educator Robert Kiyosaki said, “time and money freedom can be achieved faster with a mastermind team.”


Create Abundance Business Community is a community dedicated to creating a world that works for all. They conduct public gatherings designed for people who are seeking for time and money freedom. For more details about the free public educational programs, see the contact details on the right side of the page.

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